Cheesy Quinoa Bites

I have posted before about quinoa. I believe I originally described it as smelling like a fish tank. I would know too. We had two salt water tanks growing up. That is besides the point though. Quinoa is quickly becoming one of my favorite healthy foods despite what it smells like. And what it looks like, but I am trying to not think about that much. (it’s weird though)

On Pinterest, naturally, I came across a recipe for Cheesy Quinoa Bites. What wouldn’t be good about that? Cheese. Yum. Quinoa. Yum. And bite sized things…maybe not yum, but good for the waist line. I thought I’d give it a whirl the other night, but didn’t have all of the ingredients that the recipe originally called for. So I went with what I had.
  • Quinoa (off to a good start!)
  • Parmesan Cheese
  • Eggs
  • Whole Wheat Flour
  • Salt & Pepper
  • Garlic Salt (every self respecting kitchen has a jar of this!)

I cooked the quinoa, stirred in an egg, tablespoon of flour, threw in some parmesan cheese, salted it, peppered it, and topped the little bites with garlic salt. I used a mini muffin pan and baked for about 15 minutes at 350 degrees.

They were pretty bland considering I really didn’t add a whole lot of color to the bites. They sure were tasty though. The original recipe calls for a honey mustard dressing to dip them in. That is the gross yellow stuff pictured, and yep, that is a P for Pinterest. I ended up not using the dressing. Weird consistency. Probably questionable ingredients. Bottle is now in recycling.
I had some of the bites with a salad for dinner before I went off to class. Luckily they are chock-full of protein so it kept me full and alert. Well, that isn’t completely true. It is a research class after all, and research makes me really hungry.
I then brought left overs to have with some veggies and black beans for lunch the next day. Again, YUM, and how nutritious am I? It is February and I am still all about my New Year’s resolution of clean eating and exercising!
As I finish up this post I have another batch in the oven! (added onions and reduced fat mild cheddar cheese this time!) I think I am going to love having them around to munch on when I need a snack! It is all about good choices friends!