Operation Don’t Ruin The Nursery

I’ve often heard that parents want their children to have the best, and many will do whatever it takes, within reason, to make sure that happens. There were many times this weekend I stopped and thought, “Hmm, that must come after the baby is born, because if I really wanted Baby B to have the best I would have hired someone to do this.” In all seriousness, this weekend was a major nursery weekend. Since Justin was out-of-town deer hunting I decided to enlist the help of my parents and gets some stuff done.

I had originally set a goal to have the spare bedroom, which was to become the nursery, all cleaned out by our 20 week ultrasound. I missed that goal by weeks, but had the motivation to finish it before we had our carpets cleaned last weekend. This is what it looked liked before.

Catch-all Room


I seriously went through about 15 years worth of stuff and donated about 10 bags full of clothes from my late teens and early twenties. Whoa, I wore a ton of halter tops.

I’ve been scouring Pinterest to find ideas for our nursery and came across a project I wanted to attempt that required me painting something on a wall. I am not all that creative or artistic so I went in to this project with the wall paint re-shook just in case it turned out to be a disaster. My parents came over to assist with moving furniture, painting it and hanging up shelving. Selby also tried to help but wasn’t very effective.

The Happy Helpers.

We decided to use my old bedroom set for the nursery furniture to not only save money, but I have had the set since I was a kid, and it was my Mom’s grandmothers so it has been around a long time and was still in fairly good condition. We sanded it, repainted it white and then I repainted the trim. When I was growing up the trim was pink. Since pink has always been a favorite color of mine, but I figure we will be gifted lots of it, I decided to accent Baby B’s room with purple.

Before & After
Before & After.

We painted a tall dresser, a desk and a nightstand. The trim was absolutely dreadful to do and will require some touching up. For now, don’t get too close or you will see I do not have a future in furniture painting. The desk will be turned into a changing table once we get all the needed accessories for it, but we should have plenty of storage for diapers, wipes, and all the other necessary baby changing items.

And now you are probably wondering how my Pinterest project turned out. Well, I have to be honest, I am super excited and happy with how it turned out. And if I am being really honest, I am pretty proud of myself!!! 🙂

Pinterest Photo...Not Mine.
Pinterest Photo…Not Mine.
My Finished Product!
My Finished Product!

The Pinterest one looks way more professional and more like a tree than mine does but that is ok. It is better Baby B learn now that her mother isn’t perfect. 😉 Overall, I’d still say I nailed it.

It has been a labor of love this weekend trying to get the nursery started and I am definitely feeling it today. Getting out of bed required a lot of limping as my lower back feels like it fused together. Oy! Where did my core strength go? So on that note, I am relaxing for the rest of the night with some laundry and plan to do some stretching before bed. This Mama is exhausted!




March Craft Day

Sometimes all you need is a craft day with some lady friends to get your creative juices flowing. Yesterday I spent the day at my friend Diane’s house. We now kindly refer to her as DIY-ane because her and her husband are always coming up with super creative and fun projects.

She had a couple of her neighbors over (yes, she built a house and ended up in a fantastic neighborhood with other young, hip, and creative women) and a few of her other friends were invited as well, including ME! We spent the morning beating and staining wood, which turned out to be a great stress reliever, and painting some unique frames.

Craft Day photo-134


While everything dried we made a trip to the holy land of DIY, Hobby Lobby! I had never been before and it was quite overwhelming at first, especially as we attempted to navigate the aisles with seven curious ladies. Our task was to find all the items needed to finish our projects for the day. My personal task was also to walk out of there alive and without spending a fortune. I think we were there for about an hour and a half and all left smiling!

photo 1


After our return to Diane’s we enjoyed pizza, bloody marys and mimosas while we completed our projects. I think overall everyone was super impressed with how theirs turned out.

photo 2-3

My 30 Before 30 list includes one craft a month (#11) so I definitely nailed March, and since I think I missed February I will count this for that too. 🙂

If you have any super fun crafting ideas please share! I am definitely in the mood to do more especially as the weather gets nicer. I look forward to DIY-ane hosting another crafting day as well since she is such a good teacher and obviously inspires us all to be creative DIYers.