Maternity Clothes

In my last post I confessed a slight fear of maternity clothes. More specifically, maternity pants. After posting a link to my blog I had several moms and moms-to-be attempting to reassure me that maternity pants are indeed a wonderful, wonderful thing. I’ve heard this from most everyone who currently is or has been pregnant before. I mean, why prolong the inevitable when you are SUPER uncomfortable?

Luckily for me the maternity pants that I ordered from the GAP arrived earlier than expected which made me feel even happier about paying the lowest shipping rate possible. When I got home last night I immediately ripped open the package and held them up to show my husband. I think I exclaimed, “Look at these weird things, honey!”

This morning I chose to venture out of the house in my first ever pair of maternity pants. And let the record show I still believe maternity pants are freaking weird! When I went to slip them on I immediately looked for a button, a zipper, a snap…a anything! But there was nothing to be found. You literally slip them right on just like the pants you put on your baby, toddler or perhaps your grandparent. I hosted them up, way over my belly and thought, “Are you supposed to wear belts with maternity pants?” Nope, no belt loops either!

I ordered one size up despite the advice received from a fellow pregnant person so they are a bit big. However, I figured I am not done growing, and one of us will more than likely end up shrinking them in the laundry anyway. They are also quite long so I think I see some hemming in my near future.

GAP Maternity Full Panel Modern Boot, 18 Weeks
Puppy Photo Bomb.

I also ordered the GAP Maternity, 1969 Full Panel Sexy Boot Jeans. I don’t have a picture of them on yet, but I will add one this weekend when I am out and about feeling sexy and pregnant in them. In all honesty though, they fit well, and I think I will be very happy to have them.

I think I will be ordering one more pair of pants from GAP Maternity for work, and I have a few dresses to wear as well so hopefully I will be set on work clothes. I will also probably order a few more tops but luckily I have a wonderful sister-in-law who gave me a huge box of her maternity clothes. I still need to sort through them to see which ones will work and which ones won’t, but the tops don’t make me nearly as nervous as the full panel craziness.

If you have any must have suggestions for my maternity wardrobe feel free to share! My next quest will be for a better bra since mine are quite small and I currently have an underwire poking me. :/

BIC Bands

I love doing a little online shopping and then every day thereafter checking the mail box or front step until it arrives. That is how I felt this past week after ordering my first BIC Bands.

I came across the product on my new favorite blog, Peanut Butter Fingers. The BIC Bands were featured as one of PB Finger’s MUST haves for fitness apparel and accessories. I have always struggled with head bands so I naturally wondered if the BIC Bands really were that great. So, after having a successful first week of the weight-loss challenge, I decided to treat myself and give them a shot.

Since I have always struggled with head bands to wear while working out I started to think it was me. Maybe my head was misshapen? Maybe there was something wrong with the way my neck connects to my head? Or maybe my hair was the problem? All of these thoughts ran through my head at one point or another. So, I gave up and decided bobby pins would have to be my answer.

And while the bobby pins did seem to work, they weren’t nearly as cute as sparkly head bands and if you forgot to grab one prior to leaving for your run, well you’d be annoyed for the next 30 minutes for sure. When the BIC Bands arrived yesterday I quickly tore open the package and yelled to my husband, “My present arrived!” As I opened the package I noticed a hand written note thanking me for  the order and to enjoy! (A personal touch you don’t get with big retailers!) Then, I saw my black sparkly band and my pink one!


Luckily, I saved my workout for after work that day. So I quickly change and obviously decided that the pink one would have to be tested first! My workout for the day was a 46 minute Burn Intervals workout that is part of the Chalean Extreme program which is produced by BeachBody.  This particular workout is intense as it alternates between high intensity cardio drills and strength training.

I am happy to report that by the end of the workout my BIC Band was still on my head! I did notice it creeping up in the back ever so slightly, but with a slight adjustment it was fine. Plus I felt extra pretty during my workout. And trust me, a little extra can’t hurt.


I can’t wait to pick more of these for myself, but I also can’t wait to buy some as gifts!!!